Interval Response
Sound installation; controllers, multi-channel speakers
Dimensions variable
Commissioned by Sehwa Museum of Art
Interval Response is a thought-provoking artwork that delves into the process of perceiving and evaluating pitch intervals.
Viewers are actively engaged in the experience, as they adjust the controller to hear sound intervals generated by the computer. They are then prompted to choose which intervals they can clearly discern, what they enjoy hearing, and what they prefer not to hear. In real time, the computer employs machine learning to analyze and learn from the viewers' selections, subsequently generating melodies based on the chosen intervals. Machine learning translates the intervals selected by participants into data, and then lets them hear other intervals they are expected to choose. Artificial intelligence anticipates and presents their preference only with 'sound' data devoid of any inherent informational value. Ultimately, it underscores the notion that the significance and musicality of sounds, which essentially consist of electrical signals or air vibrations, are realized through the act of hearing and one's conscious perception of them. The artist invites viewers to actively take part in experiments with sound intervals, encouraging them to resense humans as subjects who derive pleasure from music through the intricate processes of sound reception and emission. Throughout this engagement, a diverse spectrum of melodies resonating throughout the venue converges into a unique harmony, enabling viewers to uncover new musical possibilities in the world.