‘Ear to Ear’ for Electronics (2024)

  1. Segmentation
  2. Dissociation
  3. Connecting

“Love for music, and the sound life shown by the new Auditory Being of our time." It is a hymn as a response from the composer.

It can be said that the process of matching the physical information of electrodes and the cognitive senses of the brain is when CI users understand sound through mechanical hearing. The CI users understand the segmented hearing sense of the device and go through the process of dissociation to wake up the asleep auditory cells and the brain brightly. At some point, the loose electrodes are connected and heard as the heavy hearing rehabilitation continues.

The music was made with the hope of being able to delicately enhance the hearing of CI users who may be tired of hearing harsh sounds. Also, it is a song that introduces the beautiful sound world of CI users to those who are not familiar with the CI device.

In the unbiased music world taught me by CI users, I have acquired various composition methods and I am still composing by borrowing your ears. The music of the world we live in still sounds like noise, but I hope this music will be a stepping stone and cheering for you to listen to various music.

In 2024, it was presented at Ensemble Morph's concert 'L(I/O)VE'.